How To Gently Embrace Your Core Spirit Each Day
dancing radishes watercolor 9” x9” 2019
Finding room in life to accommodate your essential spirit is a difficult task these days. There is so much to distract from focusing on our reason for being. I often find myself struggling to focus on hearing the voice of my inner spirit, reminding me gently to take the time to share the love and embrace beauty.
Distractions that demand our attention are rampant and can be overwhelming.
When I choose to embrace the role of technology and media, as merely a tool, I find that it is easier to hear my inner voice. without letting the process overtake my integral goals.
I get the closest to harnessing the energies of my soul by engaging daily in meditating, being present in the now moment and making marks through my work as an artist. In this way, my drawings/paintings can become physical evidence of the spirit within.
How do you handle our ever-increasing technology? Are you able to sustain your unique voice?. How do you make the time and find the space to do that? II would so love to hear your thoughts about this! Please comment below or visit my Instagram site!
Taking time...
So it seems in my life that the raw material that I need to be most cognizant of for creating my work, is time. I need to ask myself:
When is the best time to work? How much time do I need? Can I break time down into small segments that will allow me room to create? How can I keep a schedule without watching the clock? How do I arrange time to balance art, spiritual, physical, intellectual relationships, environment & riches?
Check out Merlin Mann's blog, 43 folders! He is in the process of dealing with the same issue, yet having to do with is creative work, which happens to be writing.
What work have you been trying carve out the time for?
Each person has the capacity to create. The materials and tools vary from technology to teaching to caring for the sick to working in politics, as well as making music, images, dance and theater. To approach each day with the attitude of an artist is to accept that each of us has the capacity to transform.