How To Gently Embrace Your Core Spirit Each Day
dancing radishes watercolor 9” x9” 2019
Finding room in life to accommodate your essential spirit is a difficult task these days. There is so much to distract from focusing on our reason for being. I often find myself struggling to focus on hearing the voice of my inner spirit, reminding me gently to take the time to share the love and embrace beauty.
Distractions that demand our attention are rampant and can be overwhelming.
When I choose to embrace the role of technology and media, as merely a tool, I find that it is easier to hear my inner voice. without letting the process overtake my integral goals.
I get the closest to harnessing the energies of my soul by engaging daily in meditating, being present in the now moment and making marks through my work as an artist. In this way, my drawings/paintings can become physical evidence of the spirit within.
How do you handle our ever-increasing technology? Are you able to sustain your unique voice?. How do you make the time and find the space to do that? II would so love to hear your thoughts about this! Please comment below or visit my Instagram site!
The Truth About Daring To Forgive Self & Surge Forward
Have you ever gotten lost in the details of your life?
You know what your overarching goals are, but can’t see to catch up with yourself?
Yes, that’s where I am.
And now, I am taking a good look at what I have done over the past few months, and have begun to reorganize my thoughts and actions to reflect and listen to my inner voice.
My first instinct is to allow more quality time for meditation. I am also beginning a new journal, with words & images to help me to rediscover and stay true to my personal journey….
Then I realized you may be interested in following this process of rebuilding.
So, if you dare, follow me for a series of short posts as I use my journalling to get back in sync with my deepest yearnings and goals.
I begin now, with forgiving myself and moving forward today.
Follow me here… if you dare!
Astonishing, how living in the now moment, simplifies life
remember compassion study 5' x 4" pencil/ journal beth vendryes williams
You would be amazed at how hard it was for me to pull myself together last week to balance creating with sharing my work, and all of my daily practices. I had been sick and exhausted and so had to allow myself a rest.
I was struggling to accomplish even the smallest thing, Everything was distracting me! I put one foot in front of the other, staying in the now moment. Eventually, I found this article about what to do each day to keep creating and sharing your work.. I put it into action.
I remembered to keep it simple. And as my Dad used to say:
"As you travel on through life, brother, let this motto be your goal. Keep your eye upon the doughnut , and not upon the hole." Optimist's Creed via S. Keith Vendryes
In my case, the "doughnut" is first creating the work, documenting and sharing. Reviewing this list each day makes sure I stay on track and consistent.
Create art
Meet & record contacts
Do routine photoshoots, each upon completion of a body of work
Organize artist statement, bio, CV, press/ cloud-accessible
Create collections, categorize-type/subject/genre - send out
Research/document exhibits, residencies, grants past/future
Follow up on invoiced and customers.
Share inventory list with five potential outlets
Update online presence with news, posts, social
Choose to view shows, openings, exhibits. Schedule.
The next step is to continue organizing my space.
Knowing where to find my supplies and art labeling and updating contacts helps me to work more quickly and with greater focus.
As life changes daily, these little guidelines serve as guideposts to refer to when I lose my way. What do you do to keep yourself on track? I am thrilled to hear suggestions that really work for you!
How to develop creative momentum, with focus and passion_
"swimming underwater" by beth vendryes williams watercolor, mylar, private collection
When I was in my beloved high school, I was disappointed that I didn’t receive the senior art award. So, when I saw my esteemed art teacher getting into the faculty elevator, I asked to accompany her to the next floor, so I could ask her privately, why I did not get it. She calmly responded that she didn’t think I wanted it badly enough and she felt I wasn’t persistent enough to commit to my art.
After tearfully absorbing this honest observation from Sr.Stephanie, I reflected on her words and realized that she was not trying to be mean, just honest and wise.
“I reasoned that belief in myself was something I could change.! I made the decision to pursue my dream. ”
I use to envision being ambitious as pushing ahead relentlessly and selfishly, pushing everyone and everything out of my way. So I was at odds with myself when I tried to pursue my work since I didn't want making art to be a selfish practice._This has changed!
_Now I interpret "ambitious" as consistently developing and sharing my dreams and gifts as I live fully in relation to my interior values, relationships and world view._
_In my art career, I have been most inspired to grow when I integrate the different areas of my life, so that work in one area is supportive of another. For instance, my habits of yoga, dance and walking and healthy eating can positively affect my energy level, and the quality and possibilities of my work.
Nurturing relationships is intrinsic to my work. I learn a lot from listening to creative endeavors and also explain my own, to those who ask. The dialogue, inevitably brings new perspectives to both of us. Reading what I love and learning new things supports my ability to have new ideas.
When I align my spiritual values with my creative process my work then radiates transparency and integrity._Art initiates philosophical discussions that embrace many areas of knowledge. _
Last year, when I had to relocate my sketchbook /journals, I estimated there were about 30. No way! I found 130 journals! I am now using them as primary source material and referencing them in my work. That is quite an affirmation of consistent habits and working with integrity. This year, in my Open Studio, I had much more work than I could show. Then, in the early morning hours of the Open Studio event, I was accepted into a juried show in NYC. and an opportunity for my work to be part of an international auction! It seems like a combination of perseverance and patience is fertile ground for my art/ Now it is giving momentum to my career.
__When I was younger I didn't realize the importance of seeing my life experiences as a connected in one wholistic perspective. Now I do._
I understand that the process of creating and sharing as essential to being. I look at creative process as my gift to develop, fully incorporating my deepest longings and spirit
Just this past week, I am thrilled to find my paintings and comments featured in an article on “Ambition” this month in the 2017 October/November edition of Professional Artist Magazine. Pick up a copy on a magazine rack or hereand let me know your thoughts!
thoughts to ponder
“My own behavior baffles me.
For I find myself doing
what I really hate,
and not doing
what I really want to
St. Paul, Romans 7:15-16
What if you try but fall short of the goal?
Ah yes!
Early this morning, a very thoughtful friend inquired about my 30 day challenge... the 30 paintings in 30 days that wrote about a few posts ago.
"Did you actually finish 30 paintings?", she asked? I realized I never addressed the final outcome on this blog! So thank you my dear friend, for asking.
So for those of you who were rooting for me.....NO, although I did finish 7 paintings.
I am disappointed that I didn't get them all done and am happy with the series of 7 that I created.
I am also invigorated by the experience of carving out the time on a regular basis to paint in oil in a limited format.
It was a challenge that I don't regret because learned a lot from the experience. Pushing myself to produce the work has yielded a fresh and deep look at the ever-changing garden in our backyard. To see them all, take a look at my latest post fresh art post at my portfolio site and at the 30 in 30 post listed under fresh new art blog!
Now 3 of them are for sale at the Oyster Bay Frame Shop right in time for the holidays.
I'd love to hear what you think.
How do you handle changing goals when you have not met them?
why I draw...and how it can transform your life
Putting a pencil to a pure white piece of paper has always been exciting and challenging at the same time.I can start and end anywhere. There is no one right way to make a mark.
Drawing makes who I am inside, visible on a surface.
I take time to reflect, to observe my interior, to connect with my surroundings.
It is centering for me.
You can do this too!
How to start drawing..
Get a blank journal. A Moleskine is well crafted and a nice surface. If you prefer a wire binding, just get a substantial feeling paper surface and sturdy wire. Thai way, when you carry it in your back pack, briefcase or hand bag, it will stay together. Size is totally what feels practical and comfortable to you!
In fact,you can even use a tablet or iPad with a program such as Penultimate or Paper 54. For these you may use your finger or a stylus.
Have your favorite pen or pencil at hand.
Draw what you see or remember in your mind's eye.
Or draw lines tat interest you. Or shapes
Perhaps write words to describe them...
Or not.
As with any healthy good habit, the practice of drawing, every day
allows you to observe and reflect on the world around and within you,
bringing inspiring connections
and quiet energy and joy at just being.
It is in this 30 minutes of active reflection that you will find your life transforming into the best of who you are. Interested in trying this simple habit?
Then subscribe to my blog and draw along with meI I will be posting once a week.....and I can't wait to share my passion for mark making with YOU! Oh and please post your questions and thoughts in comments! I will be sharing my drawings.
Create like a marathon runner!
New York City was bursting with cheering, support and goodwill today. All of us in the crowds were rooting for each runner to finish. Determination was evident in each runner’s stride and face. I knew they would make it. Oh how inspiring it was to see so much camaraderie and strength of spirit! Participating in this amazing achievement requires not just physical strength but balance in other areas of life as well. Surely you need to have good form and running shoes. You also need to care for your body and get plenty of sleep. Months of regular discipline and practice culminate in the marathon. Eating the right foods is key and of course, drinking plenty of water. Most importantly, working with supportive partners who listen and inspire can help to keep you on track. And so it goes, also, with sustained creative work. Producing a series of art pieces that result in a strong body of work requires a similar practice to preparation for a marathon. It is a balance of physical strength and health, strong spirit, determination, knowledge of your best working practice and a good support network.
So if you ran a marathon today, congratulations!!
If you are not a runner but would like to create more and better work, a "creative marathon" - don’t ignore the impulse! Follow the routines that help to make a runner strong. Make a goal of creating something each day. Keep a life balance. Keep in touch with friends that support your efforts!
Take the first step and subscribe to this blog.
Click here or on Kathy's photo above to discover her motivation that keeps her running running....
And I would love to hear how you motivate yourself to accomplish your creative goals!
Today…the first day of the rest of your life!
Live fully in every thing that you do!
Our duty, as men and women,
is to proceed
as if limits to our ability did not exist.
We are collaborators in creation.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955)French philosopher, Jesuit priest
No time to be creative?
If only I had enough time. Do you ever find yourself saying that to yourself?That is what I said when the three boys were little, and part of me didn’t want that time to end.
I painted pictures with them in between making Halloween costumes and cookies, parties and putting bandaids on knees.
We read books a together and we were a happy audience when they put on plays for us!
When they were in elementary school and middle school, I took my sketchpad to games, although sometimes I didn’t get it open.
I always carried pencils, a favorite pen and my crayons in my bottomless pocketbook. Many times I watched the game and improved my visual memory by drawing from what I remembered later.
I worked at my job, teaching art. We made pizzas and cakes from scratch, loaves of bread, read books and had family discussions about the state of rest f the world.
Yes, and I dragged them to art museums, plays and music lessons of all kinds.
I am still teaching art to 580 students every week, and loving it!.When I teach, it nurtures my art and when I do my art it makes me a better teacher. I am always looking for time to make more of my own work.
And now it is the summer.
All the time in the world to paint, right?
Wrong. Sometimes I get creative block. Everyone gets it once in a while.
So, I attempt to make dealing with this issue a creative project! I enlist my sense of humor, compassion and an assortment of creative thinking skills. If i am not up for that, I sometimes take a nap. (Try it. It works.)
Every time I get stuck procrastinating with the fear of making a mark on the white paper, I use diversionary tactics!
- Outsmart my left brain and allow room for the intangible creative side. Let’s not take this too seriously, after all, “playing” is one of the 13 creative thinking tools.
- Integrate and balance other life areas. Make sure to exercise, eat right, read, leave time for spiritual, relationships and taking care of money and job. Limit times and set the alarm.
- Watch how others do it. I watch my son compose, sing play and mix music when he has a day off or after work, if he’s not too tired. if he is he sleeps.
- Read . Many artists are very generous about sharing their methods of getting time to create.
- Allow myself to do the laundry or vacuum...with a time limit!
- Drink a glass of water.
- Take the dogs for a walk. Good thinking time.
- Put myself in the studio or place that is inspiring, with all of my supplies around me, look at my journals and I can’t help but make something.
- Don’t judge. Just keep exploring.
- Oh yes, and work daily for a self determined consistent amount of time. Stop in the middle of the best part! This was one of Hemingway’s secrets. Your mind will keep working on creative ideas until you return the next day.
I was intrigued by the post on Write to Done guest post “How to Write When You’re Scared Spitless” by the Jean-Berg-Sarauer.
There is also a very interesting article about another way to increase creativity called The Cure for Creative Blocks? Leave Your Desk. RT(via @the99percent) that is totally awesome!
What do you do when you are stuck and need a new idea?
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Life happens... what about those plans?
Being creative in life and art requires balance,inspiration and some down time The reward is transformation of our thoughts, sprits and bodies. Have you found that to be true for you?
I've been struggling with that lately!!!As you probably know, I have been following that voice inside of me insisting that I make marks on paper and canvas... paint and draw!
I also have been able to articulate the process of creating and how to incorporate it more seamlessly into life, in this blog and in my teaching!
It has taken a lifetime to realize that vision. It hasn't happened in the way I imagined it, but that is the way life is.The challenge is to transform what life gives me into the art that I live everyday.
So, when I look at this beautiful photo of sunlight breaking through the shadows, it helps me to understand the value of shadows and movement not only as I look down the road, but also in my life path.
Interfering events and exhaustion have inhibited my blogging recently.
So I rested.
Now I find myself sorting, organizing, redesigning. When I find myself having to slow down physically , I make lots of little piles for reading, writing, planning and sketching. This is great for my creativity, although it wreaks havoc with my dear husband's sense of order. So I have now begun to take a look at my blog to see how I can help my subscribers to better discover or rediscover that innate creative gift that we all have. I've been reading lots of relevant books and searching through blogs that explore making things from different perspectives.I've been going to art shows and working in my journal. I will be sharing some of this in future posts!
Being creative in life and art requires balance,inspiration and some down time The reward is transformation of our thoughts, sprits and bodies. Have you found that to be true for you?
Tell me, what inspires you when things aren't going the way you planned? Do you have any quick and fun remedies? ( I like a pistachio gelato break, but can't have it often!) I look forward to hearing from you in the comments.
Now, off to my studio I go!
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Yoga-think your life into balance
What if you want to accomplish something, like writing, but are working two jobs and just can't find the time?
[picapp src="0269/18fff95a-819f-4eca-9329-7feb7631c8d3.jpg?adImageId=7076828&imageId=273184" width="500" height="334" /]Sometimes it is just overwhelming to even think about one more thing to juggle, even if it is balancing out your life. Believe me, I know how it feels. So that is the time to stop thinking. And start consciously moving...into yoga!
- Move mindfully.
- Walk with intention.
- Breathe slowly and deeply, into your abdomen.
I find that one of the most important parts of doing yoga, is making the space and intention to do it. Once I am in the studio, I know I will not leave until after shavasana. That is the part where you lie down and totally relax for 10 minutes. It is my favorite part! So I tend to be in the now moment for the entire practice, because I know I cannot leave for that hour.. Even if the going gets tough, I'm there. Shavasana and feeling balanced is my reward.
Oh dear, you are probably wondering what that has to do with life balance.
When you physically create a practice, when you practice breathing and moving mindfully, it begins to crossover to your creative, intellectual and spiritual habits. I find myself resorting to yoga breathing when I am in a stressful situation. For that I use the long deep in and out through the nose breathing. It is very calming. I find that I am more likely to do things mindfully and calmly.
What if you want to accomplish something, like writing, but are working two jobs and just can't find the time?
- Be in the now moment.
- Breathe in and out slowly.
- Ask yourself to give yourself a half hour, 2 days a week.
- Treat yourself afterwards; perhaps a nap? a cup of tea?
- If you aren't inspired, write anyway.
- Don't judge yourself.
- Be regular and without pressure.
It is the intent and regular practice in yoga that takes you where you want to go. Many times in yoga, your ability to do a posture will change from day to day. You listen to your body.
As Madeleine L'Engle said in her book called "Walking on Water",
To work on a book is for me very much the sane thing as to pray. Both involve discipline. If the artist works only when he feels like it, he’s not apt to build up much of a body of work. Inspiration far more often comes during the work than before it. because the largest part of the job of the artist is to listen to the work, and to go where it tells him to go…To pray is to listen also.
How do you ge ytourself gently back on track?
For more great ideas about focusing creative energy, absolutely visit the blog Write to Done. Also try Unwrap your Mind for another dynamic yet gentle approach to finding your way to reach your potential.
Laughing into balance!
I usually don't make irrevocable plans. I'm actually pretty relaxed about life. Passionate, but a pretty calm, go with the flow type person.
But tonight was one of those nights. Have you ever had a series of events that happen rapid fire and you don't know where to look next?
These surprises thwart every effort to achieve normal goals, like going to bed, having a conversation with your loved one or sleeping.
Madeleine, our our impish creamy golden retriever suddenly gave up her dinner, on the kitchen floor. Unusual for her, my husband & I thought, but, unfazed, we cleaned it up. Suddenly, the washing machine began beeping furiously. Apparently the drain was clogged. Out we drained 6 quarts of water of questionable quality. After 45 minutes, the deed was done and we continued our journey to sleep.
I remembered I had a project due tomorrow morning and quickly finished it on the computer. Oh no Maddie was under my desk throwing up more dinner. We didn't realize she had eaten so much.
She seemed better and we again cleaned it up and we went upstairs with her so we could keep an eye on her. Aah, sleep was finally within our grasp.
Not so fast. It was one of those nights. Nothing seemed to be going the way we planned. I chose to stop planning and am now sitting up typing this post.
Me? I'm finding the balance tonight by ascertaining the health of Maddie , being grateful that our washing machine was so easily repaired and lauging heartily together with my love because this helped to remind us about what's really important . Also, tomorrow is altogether another day.
And Maddie? She's "playing dead" with one eye open, happy to know that we keep on looking after her.
We'll all get back on track tomorrow.
How will you find a balance?
Using crayons and a little thoughtful investigation, find a way to keep in balance without stress.
There must be a hundred things I want to accomplish and at my vulnerable points of the day I start to cave in and think of them all at once. As I am beginning to waffle mid job- I remember my mind map. A feeling of calm comes over me and I know I can get it all done
I put this life juggler together over a period of time from many different sources. I want to always have an awareness of my ultimate life goals in front of me, so I don't get off track. However, I don't like to be scheduled because I feel like I am locked in.
I'd like to share with you what I came up with. I actually find it to be fun and colorful and totally responsive to my needs. You can adapt it to any organizational system.
It's actually simple and fast!
- Meditate. Pretend this is the first day of the rest of your life! Guess what? It is.This is the inward thinking part. Put your name in the middle of a page with a circle around it. I used a pencil and crayons in my journal. Make 5 -7 lines radiating form the center where your name is. Think of 5-7 areas of your life to which you want to pay attention.
- My 7 areas are: art, spiritual, physical, intellectual, relationships, enviro nment, riches. What are yours?
- I chose words that would spell another word, an acrostic, so that I would easily remember them all. Mine spells "aspirer". It's not exactly a word, but I like the idea of aspiring.
- I also changed some words to make them more palatable. I like the idea of taking care of the environment, but am not too excited about cleaning and laundry all the time. But when I couch it in the true fact that cleaning improves the environment of home, it gets done easily.
- Now choose a color for each area.
Armed with this little drawing and your custom created categories, make up your calendar, using the colors to identify which category envelopes the individual job. For instance, cleaning is environment and it is green. You can continue to use the crayons or colored pencils in your handwritten organizer or use the colors on your computer calendar.
When you notice you are chronically missing a color on your spectrum, pay attention. You need to fit some in soon!
Come to think of it, I believe I have some ironing to do. It will help save the environment and riches by avoiding the dry cleaners! Any action that covers two areas at once is a great motivator! Here are some posts to give you some ideas about reaching goals: A Boundless World and Zen Habits. Each approach is very different, but then so are we all.
Keep me posted as to your own personal approach to deciding on and achieving your goals. What helped the most to inspire you?