How journaling can help develop and sustain a creative habit
A bouquet from the YFCA spring gala watercolor & ink, 6.6.19
Hope is in the air! Now that spring is officially here. I sat myself down with a cup of tea and my daily journal.
For the past several days I have felt unable to put anything down in writing or drawing.
Has that ever happened to you? There is a world in us, and it is vital to open the windows. To take time to rest and wait.
Keeping a journal has had a massive effect on my life
…and surprisingly, It wasn’t until I stopped teaching art to paint full time, that I realized that my small daily efforts had produced tangible results.
My strategy was this: I would always keep a journal and a small zipped bag of my favorite portable drawing tools in my pocketbook. I carried this with me at all times. I wrote and drew what I saw and felt, whenever I had a moment.
I ended up counting over 130 journals documenting my life and my growing family. I recorded places, people and events.
Expressing my struggles and celebrations in words and images
helps me to reflect on life. My only expectation? To make a mark that articulates my vision and reactions to the world!
What a treasure this has turned out to be!
Now I need to adapt my journaling method to my life as it stands now. Read my next few posts as I explore alternative ways of approaching journaling now that the previous system isn’t working as effectively.
Do you keep a journal? If so how has it helped you?
Do you find that you forget to adapt your habits as your life changes?
Let me know in your comments below.
looking into the interior
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