Rediscover beauty and love, today
Trees-sketch-clouds ( Autentico 2019) watercolor, graphite, collage 9” x 9” by beth vendryes williams
Do you sometimes feel weighted down by events on the personal or world stage?
Sometimes I forget that each morning when I awake, I can choose to look at the the world and my place in it, from a fresh perspective. beth vendryes williams
This morning, shaking off the detritus from the day before, I make myself a cup of water with sliced lemon, giving thanks for clean water and lemons. Then I make a cup of green tea, thankful to have that luxury.
Looking up, I suddenly observe winter trees tracing their lines on the cloudy soft patches floating in a cerulean blue sky.
Aha, so this is what I want to share with you today!
On this day celebrating love for each other, let’s take the time to observe and honor the clarity and beauty in our world and the people in it. I know you can do it!
After all, we are all in this together.
I am thankful for you, your support and for your interest in beauty and creativity.
Here is my gift for you, today. You can see more on my instagram which you can link to and see most of this series on the process page of my blog
Sending you much love.! Happy Valentine’s Day!
Transform hope into substance. Seize the day!
rushing waters 30" x 22" solarplate print is featured in NYSS exhibit and in the Paddle 8 auction!
Sometimes, all it takes is being persistent and pushing forward with your passion.
Believe in yourself and go forward, one step at a time, embracing the process! I am sharing this with you, my friend, because it happens to me.I made a decision this spring, to take definitive, concrete actions on opportunities to share my art!
If not now, when?
So I decided to enter a juried Alumni show at New York Studio School... and got accepted. The opening reception happened on July 27th, revealing an astounding amount of outstanding and earnest work. The artists, teachers and art lovers were heard in animated conversations, discussing work with each other and with interested bystanders. The three rooms were crowded and warm, but energetic and lively!
If you can go to the NYSS to see the exhibit, you will see diversity and energy that is rare. The work is up until August 27th.
Oh, and if you would like to participate in the auction,
many works will be featured on Paddle 8, the international auction house, beginning on August 11th. Thirty percent of the final bid price will go to support NYSS!
Your time will be well spent, and you just might discover some work you never imagined before!
Seize the day, bringing that energy to your life and your goals. whatever they may be.
And while you are seizing the day, subscribe to my blog to let me know of your creative ideas. Keep up with my progress as I put one foot in front of the other and continue to strive.We can support each other in this.