Find Hope About Seeking Refuge In The World
I am up early writing again, because I had thoughts spilling out of my head. I am recovering from installing the culmination of creating the art pieces for this freshly installed exhibit.
As I tap out these words, I am sipping a tall glass of water with fresh lime and lemon slices. Relaxing,
The exhibit that “we” opened on Sunday at the Shelter Rock Gallery of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation is awesome!
Standing in the middle of my marks made on paper and canvas I am engaged in conversation and thoughts with the viewers. It is both humbling and energizing!
I say we because it is so true! There is a myth out there about the solitary artist, but I could not have done this without the help of my team of supportive artists, collectors, and friends, Matt & Ashley, for their tech & marketing guidance,Ann Balderston-Glynn, videographer. I also thank my three wonderful sons who edit, advise and keep me laughing, and of course, my very dear husband, Allen who has makes it his mission to help me get the work out there!
You will want to see the whole exhibit, so call 516-627-6560 or 516-472-2933 to find out when the room is available n the day you want to go. It is occasionally used for events. If you want to see what is there, here is the link!
Think. What Happened When Your Ancestors Sought Refuge?
We are all in this together (detail of panel 1) of triptych) oil painting beth vendryes williams
Enjoy the last days of summer!
For me, I am back to “seeking refuge”! Yes, I keep returning to this theme because we all need to find our refuge in this world. Sometimes it is walking and meditating. Also, for me it is in making art!
I became aware of this way of seeking refuge because of my family stories...
The oldest of seven children, I grew up with our parents loving the fact that we were part Jamaican, English, French, and Sicilian. I knew I was related to Michael Manley, former president of Jamaica, through a common great grandmother. My Dad and his parents emigrated from Kingston, Jamaica to the United States. Eventually we discovered and met our French cousins, who are descendants of the Vendryes relatives who decided to remain in France seven generations ago.
Both of my Mom’s parents bravely emigrated, separately, from Sicily when they were 17 and 25 yeas old. They first met in Sicily and then got married in Little Italy, NYC.
We all keep in touch!
Through my family origins, the borders of my world expanded ... that I always perceived being part of a much bigger world than the United States. According to a DNA testing I am 5% West African, a fact that is also supported by family lore and cousins. I thrive in the possibilities of communicating and connecting with people from all different parts of the world..
When I read and see people trying to immigrate to the United States, I am happy for them, because without that, I know I would not be here. In the USA there is an opportunity to be free and to have a voice and a vote in who represents us. It is far from perfect, but it gives us the possibility of living in a government that protects the individual’s rights to freedom.
Immigrants must be vetted, of course. They also must be treated with compassion. For we are all related to one another in some way. We are all human beings. We are all, body and spirit, living in this world, together.
I was inspired to explore some of that innate knowledge by creating a visual story. That has been a journey in itself., for me. Yes, That is my Grandpa Henry and my Dad and his brother on either side, shortly after they emigrated from Jamaica.
I would love to hear your story! Tell me in your comment or instagram!
Check out the events link to make sure you get to my solo exhibit and reception on Sunday, September 23rd. Currently, Fresh fruit & vegetable watercolors ar exhibiting at Autentico Restaurant. Come on in and have a look and have an espresso or coffee!
Behind The Scenes I Dared To Take The Challenge And Found Growth
I just had to reach out to you a quick note and some juicy fresh watercolors!
to touch base with you about the slight pause in my “seeking refuge” progress., what happened and how I am renegotiating my time and space to continue to work with this unexpected blessing.
dancing radishes 973
tomatoes with basil 972
fresh watermelon 958
zucchini& radicchio 975
I had a special request from my hosts at Autentico,
to create a series of fresh fruits and veggie watercolors. They are so fresh and capture that delight when you see the summer harvest begin! They are now up, so feel free to stop in, see them, and of course, they are available for purchase. Just contact me., here on Facebook or Instagram
I will continue the juicy watercolor series, daily, in cadence my "seeking refuge" series. for each
The juxtaposition of the two different mediums and subject matter surprisingly invites additional flexibility and creativity in my process and interpretation of each!
So I continue to work vigorously on
each project, using the large studio for oils in one part of the day and my smaller workspace for the smaller watercolor pieces. many times a sudden detour can open up new ways of thinking!
Thoughts, ideas, are always welcome!
Four blank canvases evoke the heart to respond.
seeking refuge/ process sketches watercolor & ink/ rag paper beth vendryes williams
Where do I begin?
The sun gently awakens me this morning as I begin my work in earnest on compiling my solo exhibit! There will be an opening reception on September 23, 2018. The show will be a collection of work done in recent years. In my newest work I have chosen to deepen my exploration of the refuge theme and am using multiple mediums in the development of this series.
I began by looking at four blank canvases I have in my studio. My head, heart, and hands were in agreement.
I realized I needed to work larger than before and change the medium. I decided to use oil paint for its gestural possibilities, rich depth of color and sensuous qualities.
Seeking Refuge is what I am calling the exhibit, and it operates on a couple of levels.
The current work underway references the 65 million people worldwide fleeing their homes in the world today, trying to find a place where they can live safely.
All of my art references the personal refuge that the process of creating brings to me.
I just want to begin to share my process with you, as I struggle through the daily work of pulling the ideas and images together. It is soul searching and sometimes difficult to see the next step.
I find your support invaluable. Walk with me if you dare, and follow my progress as the series takes form.