The jubilant audacity of sun & water!
Getting ready to print on the big press!
So why am I celebrating sun and water? Why do I consider them bold?
When I first began printmaking and paper making, I worked in etching and stone lithography. The paper was environmentally sound, but the printmaking used toxic materials. The only way to make really fantastic prints was to use many hazardous materials, I was unable to continue printmaking as it was.
I am passionate about recycling
and using simple organic based cleaning products, I recycle overused clothing into cleaning cloths and use only cotton napkins. So I am always looking for ways to be more ecological about art supplies, without losing the quality.
I took a workshop with artist and master printer, Dan Welden,
who discovered the process of Solar Plate printing. It is preposterous that such a simple humble combination of water and light could actually attempt to replace previous print mediums! Yet it does!
I just had so much fun working freely
on the steel polymer coated plate. When the print won a place in a juried show, I thought about creating a series using only sun and water for the print process, I am impressed by the simplicity of the water soluble, light sensitive ground that hardens by sunlight and even a controlled light box and etches with a small amount of water. I contacted Dan Welden who is also a Master printer for many artists. We are working to develop a portfolio of my prints in the solar plate process. To say I am thrilled is an understatement!
The series of hand pulled prints will be about our most precious water.
I will be spending two days drawing & painting on the plate, etching it with 'sun and water", then printing them with Dan. I will have some updates and photos, next week when I publish my next post, documenting the process to share with you! I can't wait!
To keep up with my progress, Subscribe below. I will be documenting the process to share with you.Questions,? Thoughts, ideas, Oh, I do love to hear them all and will get back to you!! Meanwhile, take a look at the beginning of my water observations on Instagram. It is is exhilarating!Do you have any stories about the role of water in your life?