exhibit exhibit

Drive thru rambling days of summer with inner focus

Did you ever look forward to a relaxing summer


and all of a sudden, your days gathered speed, summer had ended and the chill air of autumn was at your door? Well, it just happened to me

Exhibiting  at New York Studio School, was so awesome

 and the chosen piece was a solar plate print I made while at a workshop with Dan Welden ,who offered to work with me, as master printer on a series of pieces.

The Paddle 8 auction also features this print, through tomorrow

 as a result of the NYSS exhibit. In fact there are only two days left to place a bid. My exhibited print , called "rushing waters", (#3607.270440.1110044  for the auction)., is on through tomorrow, Friday, August 25th, and you may be lucky enough to start the bidding!

Working with Dan Welden was inspiring and productive! 

I now have three new solar prints in http://www.bethvendryeswilliams.com/bvw-blog/the-jubilant-audacity-of-sun-water water series. Clouds have been inspiring me for years but in the past six months and I have been entranced by these weightless , constantly changing sky sculptures!  

Traveling a lot to the Niagara Falls area this summer

because of a wedding and adopting a little puppy, we have been. Thus I have naturally taken more photos and sketches of clouds and water. 

featured in Professional Artist Magazine October November Issue!

I just got a message from an artist friend, excitedly congratulating me for being one of the featured artists in an article about how ambition  can affect an artist and her work. I am so excited to share this with you! The featured watercolor  is owned by one of my collectors and the other is a drawing in my personal inventory collection!

A heartfelt thank you to all of you, my dear supporters, 

who answered my request for images of water, as I pursue my quest to work with water imagery as vapor (clouds and fog), liquid (falling, waves and still ) and solid.

What was an awesome moment of growth and or joy, in your summer? Your sharing helps to spark creative ideas for both of us!

I wonder what autumn will bring? 

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