creativity creativity

Brooklyn Museum visit stretches my visual boundaries!

I needed to just see some artwork at the Brooklyn Museum today, and was treated to a smorgasbord of artwork that encircled, surprised and...

I needed to just see some artwork at the Brooklyn Museum today, and was treated to a smorgasbord of artwork that encircled, surprised and caused me to rethink how I paint and how I see.First of all, there was an installation by Sun K. Kwak done with masking only! When in the room, I felt wrapped in a swirling and comforting ribbon river. I am enthralled that this effect came from nothing more than torn black masking tape! Simple. Different.


Gustave Cailebotte had a very pleasant group of paintings that explored the water, his love. he also rowed, raced and designed boats. Busy man!

It was also an interesting and practical touch to be able to use my cell phone to call the Brooklyn Museum and get the comments on his paintings that way. (I am easily amused.  And I like using what I have.)

 This was one of my favorites because of the energy in the line, texture and composition!  I feel the wind!

"Waterfall" by Pat Steir was refreshing and powerful!


Here is the artist describing her approach to her work!  This is quite a bit for one day. Have you had your visual perspective readjusted lately?


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