What mark can we leave on others crossing our Path?
bridge to siberia ISeries/ MPRINTS
Know that my heartfelt prayers to all who are suffering from the virus. And my sincere gratitude and prayers to all who are helping those who are sick and dying. May you find peace in your compassionate, loving care.
Through your new and altered perspective, you observe things you never noticed before.
Suddenly, the skies are quiet.
The birds are singing you awake. Traffic is a memory, and your schedule is what you make it.
And, yes, there is time.
I thought it might be a small gift to share with you a series I am working on, based on recently composed music called ” imprints.”
The instrumental music ”explores the mark that people leave on you throughout life.” Thinking about that concept of “making a mark,” that can stay and shape the course of another soul’s journey is compelling!
Suddenly you can realize the power of giving, sharing, and listening to each person with whom you interact.
Exactly. The reason I make my marks and brushstrokes is to share with you the beauty and truth that I often observe as I live my day.
I am so grateful to be able to share this work as it evolves from the beginning. I will share the music with you when I complete the series!
Keep well. Believe. Hope.