energize your life, as art, with open-hearted vision
Niagara Falls , the end of summer 22' x 30" watercolor beth vendryes williams
I am often asked how I became an artist,
which is why, In my last few posts, I shared a few of my struggles and decisions to define myself as an artist.
Their next statement is usually,
“I could never be an artist because I can’t draw a straight line with a ruler…” Hmmm....
In Merriam Webster Dictionary, “artist” is defined as
noun art·ist ˈär-tist
Definition of artist
1 an obsolete: one skilled or versed in learned arts
b archaic: physician
c archaic : artisan 1
2 a one who professes and practices an imaginative art
b a person skilled in one of the fine arts
3 a skilled performer; especially
4 one who is adept at something
As you know, I happen to paint or draw on paper or canvas.
And I have used what I learn in creating art in other areas of my life. Gradually, I observe that treating my life with the skills and attitudes of an artist has not only transformed my work, but my life as well!
To be an artist of your life, you do not need crayons or paint. You can just make art from the "stuff" of your life. beth vendryes williams
The medium or materials that you use to create can consist of your life and any parts of it that you choose. The “work” of art is the action that you are taking. The material can be anything you can shape, like movement, fabric, words, time, food, cards, care for another person, etc. Your life can be a “work of art”!
I have done a lot of research and continued to develop my idea that you can transform your life by treating it as a work of art. I will share that in later posts.
Bur today, I share one essential skill necessary to approach your life as a work of art.
If one skill is essential for living your life as a work of art it is the attitude of being open-hearted. You choose to reveal your warm and compassionate feelings freely. beth vendryes williams
When you remain open to ideas and people and change, you can see more options and perspectives. And you become more impassioned by your life.