With gratitude...
beth vendryes williams wrapped in clouds 2017
“Sometimes our light goes out, but is blown again into instant flame
by an encounter with another human being.
Each of us owes the deepest thanks to those
who have rekindled this inner light.
Dr. Albert Schweitzer”
And so it goes with us all.
As I journey through each day, so many times a friend or a stranger will help me to navigate difficulties. Even online, I have met the incredibly thoughtful people. I want to thank you.
Today, I am enhancing building my skills and opening my mind. I am taking a fantastic online drawing course with Gillian Lee Smith, a dynamic live drawing course with Carlo D’Anselmi at New York Studio School, and an online workshop with artists and Paul Klein, having dialogues about truth and vulnerability & opportunities for artists and in our work. The last 3 years I had worked with Alyson B. Stanfield.
My artist mentors spanning my careerhave been incredibly helpful in being true my vision. I thank Sister Stephanie, Douglass Morse Howell,Dan Welden,Mauricio Lasansky, Ben Frank Moss, Bruce Gagnier,Ron Milewicz, Madeleine L'Engle.
As my work grows, I am so grateful to you who support my work in what ever way works for you; collecting, reading my posts,commenting, sharing studio space, offering support and just taking time to look. I understand that art is a universal communication complete only when received by another person. I so appreciate you taking the time to do that.
To be sure,I want to thank my sons and their lovely ladies and friends who observe, listen and make suggestions. I especially am grateful to my dear husband who has supported my dream steadfastly from our very beginnings!
My upcoming events are, in large part, because of this support!
Thank you, with all my heart,