How spring resonates
petite garden windows watercolor 4" x 6" landscape bvw 499.
“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view, until you climb into his skin and walk around in it. —Harper Lee (1926-2016), To Kill a Mockingbird”
A new beginning!
Aah, the daffodils are up, and there is a delicate fragrance hovering. Spring is in the air. It brings hope, inspires me, and now I am in the studio beginning a new project! So I start by drawing. My drawings will lead me through my next body of work.
Sometimes I look for the logic in that… why I am in the studio.
Intuitively, I just feel like it is my “work” to be witness to what I see. I like the challenge of defining the spaces between objects, the interactions between positive and negative spaces and how the “point of view” is only that of the person drawing. It changes every time I change…my physical position by sitting or standing, and even how I look by using my left eye or my right. How I feel emotionally and spiritually affects how I interpret what I observe.
So drawing helps me to understand the effect of all of these things. It makes me more aware that life is very different for each person because we each look through a different prism.
> You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view, until you climb into his skin and walk around in it. --Harper Lee (1926-2016), To Kill a Mockingbird
So I guess I draw to keep myself honest and to check and recheck my perspective. For both my art…and my life.
Ultimately, he actual object, “the drawing”, is like a map describing my vision, and it will undoubtedly be interpreted very differently by each one of you as you view it. How intriguing is that!
So I will get myself in the studio to work on my project, "finding refuge" .Now if you could share with mw what makes you feel safe and embraced in the world amidst its uncertainties that would be incredible! I would love to understand what's important from your point of view. Comment, emaill, fb, tweet, instagram, etc.