How to leap into your next awesome big idea
editing in the afternoon 0791 watercolor & beeswax 20" x 30" beth vendryes williams
I will plan a structure for the day, so I have dedicated time to allow my imagination to follow its course, eat, exercise, nurture relationships, take care of my home environment and read.
The structure is not carved in stone, but is a flexible net which can catch me if I start to get distracted.
Then I will take action...drawing and painting as a way of discovering my next direction, allowing the action of creating to discover where I am heading.
If you try this, l would love to hear how it works for you! If you have other ways of jumpstarting yourself after a period of great exertion, p;ease share that! I would love to try different approaches!
The party is over, so what do I do next?
If you have ever had that ungrounded feeling, you know it encompasses both a sense of freedom and inertia. Try this next time you get into this tetherless situation. Below is my breakdown of what I try to do
I am up early sitting quietly and yet distracted by the lists of things I feel I have to accomplish and would like to experience, I feel lured by the call of the internet and the sight of little tumbleweeds of dog fur scooting under furniture in my house.
I meditate, accessing my deepest spirit self, asking for help from within, at the core of who I am.
Next I take care of my body, making sure I am getting the right food, sleep and exercise.
“The structure is not carved in stone, but is a flexible net which can catch me if I start to get distracted.”